St. James' |
St.James' |
St. James' Church,Kilkata, |
The first stone of this Church dedicated to
St. James, was laid June 7th, 1862.
Consecrated by Bishop Cotton 25th July, 1864.
The Rev. Dr. Jarbo, Chaplain
The church was designed by East Bengal Railway architect Walter B Granville, who also designed the Calcutta High Court, the GPO and the Calcutta University Senate Hall. The gothic type of architecture is attributed by two lofty spires,
pillars, flying buttresses and arches.The church is characteristic of beautifully decorated black mahogany woodwork on its lofty ceiling. The altar is placed at the top of the cross, the people sit in body of the cross. The choir may sit either on the right side of the cross or on the left. The church is located on Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Road.