What is scalper's delight? : Men with long, free flowing hair - hippies and Indian saints who grow long hair and beard. What is scalpers' envy? : Close-cropped shaven heads. Most importantly baldies
Indian Polity:
2ndlook - WordPress.com |
www.bloggerabhilash.info |
What is politician's regret? :The inquisitive media and intelligent people who question his loose talk, gaffes and wrong statistics. Yet another worry is where to park his ill-gotten money.
The Candid Eye |
What a gaffe!? Does Garry mean the Alamo? Cleveland.com |
What is British royalty's delight?
'Britishness' and subordination of other classes of people.
Wikiwand |
''Loss of glory due to freedom of British Colonies, loss of huge revenue from India to fill the British treasury; as for the personal lives of Royal members, their retinue and lavish spending, reduction in perks and fat dole from the British government is a big setback''.
British imperialism. Quick Take |
What is American Politician's (Republicans') delight?
''Hanging too many daggers over the head of innocent immigrants and keeping the American and neighboring countries anxious by making war threats to other countries''.
Sword of Damocles,/en.wikipedia.org |
www.pinterest.com |
Crossing the Great Wall. CartoonStock |
''For the Republican leadership there is no way to raise a strong tall boundary wall overnight,
The Great Wall of America. Bakken Law |
Star Tribune |
What is American people's delight? ''The President's gaffes, off the cuff remarks and intemperate behavior before the American media, etc is something like watching Mark brothers' films - Animal Crackers or At the Circus''.