"When people are under the delirium of easy money, in their anxiety to get it as fast as they can, either they will trip midway or go to any length to get it. ultimately ending up in jail or losing peace of mind".
"When guests or friends drop in on you surprisingly, be happy and invite them with a bright smile. Do not ever invite them to your house with a languid or lethargic yawn and the look of disguised boredom".
"When a man is unlucky to have an errant or unruly wife, no doubt, she will give him lots of heart burns and problems from the lump on the head to the callus underneath his feet. Prospective grooms should be ready to face the situation the way matador handles the bull (Toro)''.
"Making carping remarks on other person is a bad habit. People in government service have to be extra careful because sometimes silly remarks bring out more idiocy than infamy".