Quotes for life -16

Quotable Quotes:
US Politician Daniel Webster. Wikipedia
01.  "What do we what with this worthless are, this region of savages and wild beasts, of shifting sand and whilwind of dust, of cactus and praire dogs? to what use could we ever hope to put these great deserts  and these endless mountains?"   

...................Daniel Webster, 1852. US Secretary of State from  Massachussetts. He commented on the wild Western States strung out along the Rocky Mountains Time Magazine 10  December 1980; page 24.

02. "George Bush can shoot, but can't aim; whereas John Kerry can aim but can not shot"............................

 A Media Analyst on 2004  US rival Presidential candidates (Nov. 02 2004).

 03."I know of no depository of the utimate powers of the society, but the people".  ................ Thomas Jefferson, Former US President.

04. "It is better to remain silent and be a fool, than speak out to prove it".   ...................Abe Lincoln, Former US President
American Black activist. Stokely Carmichael
05. "White People sending Black People to make war on Yellow People in order to defend the land they stole from the Red People". ............. Stokely  Charmichael (April 1964  Vietnam anti-war demonstration in Manhatten, New York.

06. "America is the finest countries ever stolen". .......Bobcat Goldwaite

Quotable Quotes on Native American Indians:
Indian Chief Seatth. www.halcyon.com
"They made many promises, but never kept but one,
they promised to take  our land and  they took it". 
American Indian Chief Seatth  about White conquerors of America (City of Seattle, Washington is named after him).

California Indian Education
Indigenous Peoples Literature

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