Lal bazaar police HQ building, Kolkata.,justdial.com
Lal bazaar police HQ building, Courtyard of Lal Bazar Kolkata. Kolkatanoisebreak.com |
It is a well-known fact that West Bengal, especially Kolkata (Calcutta) city has lots of colonial heritage buildings as it was the capital of colonial India till 1903.Later the capital was shifted to Delhi.
Heritage building. Lal Bazaar police HQ, Kolkata.. noisebreak.com
Among the heritage structures, the building that houses the Kolkata Police Headquarters in Lal bazaar stands out as a distinct landmark in that locality, close to the Tank Square or Dalhousie Square ; in the early days it was an area of ill-repute known for thugs. The street was known as Flag Street, for the simple reason it was the hub of visiting sailors. The name had its origin in the presence of a market place built by one Edward Tiretta, Yet another reason for the name La bazaar is one can see the reflection of the near-by brick-red Writer's building in the Tank, hence it was called
“Laldighi" and later it became Lal bazaar (Lal in Hindi means red). Further, during the festival days this locality used to become red littered with
red Aabir.
Lal Bazaar Police HQ bldg.anandabazar.com
.Lal Bazaar police HQ building. Kolkata.telegraphindia.com
It was in 1792 under the Raj the headquarters of Calcutta Police was shifted to this locality and initially it was functioning from the Ambassador’s House, built by the East India Company. It also included a make-shift jail called
Harinbari, From here the police HQ was shifted to the Palmer’s House - three-story building (owned by Palmer, one of the richest businessmen) on 18 Lalbazar Street. and the jail was located in the place where in the later years under Lord Curzon Victoria Memorial Hall made of fine quality marble was built. Subsequently, Palmer became broke for various reasons, one being he was over charitable.
Palmer House was pulled down in1914 and in that place came up the Lal Bazaar building complex. The architect was Henry Crouch, an employee of the government of Bengal. The structure was built by JC Banerjee, who had built the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation building, located close to the Tank Square. The Kolkata Police Commissioner's office is the oldest in the country and the deputy commissioner (traffic) was functioning on the third floor. The Kolkata Police Force (KPF) is one of the three presidency police forces of the Indian state of West Bengal. It was in charge of policing the metropolitan area of Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), as defined under the Calcutta Police Act, 1866 and the Calcutta Suburban Police Act,1866. The primary responsibilities included maintaining law and order in the city, traffic management, prevention and detection of crime and coordinating various citizen-centric services for the people of Kolkata. It was the East India company in 1720, formally appointed an officer to be in charge of civil and criminal administration assisted by Indian natives.. Modernization of the police department began in 1866. In 1868, Sir Stuart Hogg set up the Detective Department in Calcutta Police as the incidence of crime was on the increase. Notorious police officer Sir Charles Augustus Tegart, first Indian Police (IP) headed the Detective Department and he reorganized the city police force and made it efficient. Known for his brutality and torture against the natives in particular freedom fighters he was the Commissioner of Police from 1923–31. Surprisingly, he survived many assassination attempt on his life by the Bengali revolutionaries.