Gravity pillar, Chennakesava temple, Belur. numerical.co.in/ |
Indian Shilpis (architects and designers) in the past - about 800 to 1000 years ago had a good knowledge of making pillars, etc using hard stones, timber or brick. Pillars (Stambha) were an integral part of the Hindu Temple architecture, and stone artisans ingeniously designed them in a particular style as prescribed by the Shastras with no technical aids - no testing methods with respect to load-bearing and strength of materials, etc., no calculators and not even advanced tools to survey, cut and dress the stones. Despite these shortcomings, they came up with countless amazing temples that stand today as a testimony to their expertise in ‘Structural Engineering. The temple pillars were physical expressions of imagination, knowledge, strength and support of overlying structure, besides connection with divinity. These pillars played a vital role in enhancing the beauty of the temples, particularly those pillars that are hewn with life size carved images and strange animals like Yali. Unlike in the western classic architecture system, a particular classification was not followed in erecting pillars as the design, workmanship and craftsmanship kept changing down the generations. No doubt, the construction of temples, etc., was not free from Sastras and mathematical calculation and Indian architects of yore enjoyed greater freedom of design and expression of their ideas. In all southern states in particular, such massive pillars in the temples are looked upon as a source of inspiration, to promote diverse studies for designing pillar in contemporary temples.
The state of Karnataka has the largest number of historical monuments next to Uttar Pradesh in India and it includes many Hindu temples built by many dynasties. The Chennakeshava Temple or Vijayanarayana Temple of Belur, a 12th-century Hindu temple in the Hassan district of Karnataka state, is popular for its fine architecture, beautiful sculptures and fine ornate pillars, besides, it has remarkable reliefs, friezes as well excellent iconography. It was commissioned by King Vishnuvardhana in 1117 CE, on the banks of the Yagachi River in Belur, but it took 103 years for the rulers to complete the temple. The temple is dedicated to God Vishnu.
Belur free standing gravity pillar, Flicker.com |
42 ft tall. Gravity pillar, Chennakesava temple, Belur. istockphoto.com/ |
Visitors to this temple will never miss an architectural wonder that is highly incredible. It is about the 42-feet-tall anti -Gravity pillar, also called Mahasthambha or Kartika Deepotsava Stambha, This monolithic stampha (pillar) made of soap stone has neither a base nor proper foundation and it is just set on a star-shaped platform made of granite and has no structural support to make it stand firmly. Nor is it firmly fixed with the platform with some kind of mortar.
Belur, KA blogtech.online |
Location map. Belur, Karnataka tapioca.co.in |
Anti-granite pillar, Belur, Karnataka. trawell.in |
Literally, the pillar is standing on three sides on its own weight and the fourth side has an unfilled gap and it has been around for centuries since 1414 - the reign of King Devaraaya and has no sign of its falling on the ground. A heavy tall stone pillar standing up right for hundreds of years without adequate support or foundation is some thing staggering This feat shows the architectural excellence of Vijayanagara rulers and amazing knowledge of the architects. The puzzle is how come this tall heavy stone pillar has been standing firmly in the place for several centuries where it was set without showing any minor shift in its position. Equally incomprehensible is the fact that the platform on which the pillar stands does not show any sign of any structural weakness in the form of cracks despite the time factor and seasonal climatic changes these centuries. It is mentioned that the temples at Belur and Halebidu are made of soft stone called soapstone with which mind-boggling artistic carvings can be by talented stone masons. Yet another rock used widely are chloritic schistose rocks. The latter are metamorphic rocks formed deep in the earth under intense heat and chemical process causing change in the texture of rocks. Any way, both soapstone (also of metaphoric origin rich in magnesium) and chloritic schist are not hard rocks like granite or granite related rocks like charnokites (potassium rich granite). As for the tall anti gravity pillar, question arises as to the kind of rock from which it is made. Metamorphic rocks are easily susceptible to mechanical and chemical weathering. he composition of the rock from which pillar is made. need further scrutiny.
soapstone (metamorphic rock rich in Mg, stockphoto.com |
Mind you, centuries before Newton's (Newton published a comprehensive theory of gravity in 1687) discovery of Gravitational theory, the Indian builders of temples, etc., in South India had already gained a good knowledge of Earth's gravity and its forces on structures and building. Yet another example is the Brihadeshwara temple - dedicated to Shiva (A UNESCO World Heritage Site) at Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu built by Raja Raja Chola I between 1003 and 1010 CE. Entirely made of granite and related rocks, atop a single block of granite weighing 80 ton rests a 25 ton cupola - dome; the vimana is 208 ft tall. .