The Sun Temple, Modhera, Gujarat, an enduring legacy of the Chalukya dynasty of 11th CE.

The sun temple, Modhera

Introduction to the Sun Temple, The Modhera

The Sun Temple in Modhera, Gujarat, is an architectural marvel constructed in 1026 CE during the reign of Bhima I of the Chalukya dynasty. Located on the banks of the Pushpavati River in Mehsana district, the temple is dedicated to Surya, the Hindu Sun God. It stands as a testament to India's ancient architectural and artistic traditions and remains one of the most significant heritage sites in the country.

Architectural Grandeur

Built in the Maru-Gurjara styles, the Sun Temple consists of three primary sections: the Garbhagriha (sanctum), the Sabha mandapa (assembly hall), and the Surya Kund (a sacred water tank). The temple is built with bright yellow sandstone and faces east, allowing the first rays of the sun to illuminate the inner sanctum during equinoxes.

Sabha mandapa carved pillars triangular arches  Modhera temple,
 image:Dharti Patel

ornate exterior Sabha mandapa carved pillars Modhera temple, GJ
image: Bernard Gagnon

One of the most striking features of the temple is the Surya Kund, a large stepped tank used by devotees for ceremonial ablutions. The tank is adorned with 108 miniature shrines, showcasing the intricate craftsmanship of the time. The Sabha mandapa, with its 52 ornately carved pillars, represents the 52 weeks of the year, and its walls are covered with intricate depictions of scenes from the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Krishna Leela.

Historical and Cultural Significance

The temple's origins are steeped in legend. According to the Skanda Purana and Brahma Purana, Lord Rama visited the area after defeating Ravana to purify himself of the sin of Brahma-hatya (killing a Brahmin), as Ravana was a Brahmin. He performed a Yagna in the area, leading to the founding of the village of Sitapur, which later became Modhera.

While the temple once housed a golden idol of the Sun God, this was lost during a raid by Muslim invaders under Alauddin Khilji. Today, no regular prayers are offered, and the temple is preserved as a historical monument under the care of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).

kunda, the water tank  Modhera sun temple, 

Artistic Mastery

The temple's exterior is adorned with 12 different postures of Aditya (the Sun God), representing the months of the year. The walls also feature various carvings of deities, celestial beings, and amorous couples, symbolizing the importance of life and creation in ancient Hindu culture.

The Garbhagriha was designed so that the first rays of the sun would fall directly on the idol of Surya during equinoxes, showcasing the precise astronomical understanding of the temple's architects. Although the shikhara (spire) no longer stands, the structure remains awe-inspiring in its design and detail.


In October 2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared Modhera as India's first solar-powered village. The Sun Temple at Modhera is not just an architectural wonder but also a cultural and historical treasure that continues to captivate visitors with its beauty and intricate craftsmanship. Its annual dance festival in January is a celebration of Gujarat’s rich cultural traditions and a reminder of the temple’s enduring legacy.