''The tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah'',Agra, Uttar Pradesh: Mind-blowing artistic interior and exterior

Exterior,tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah,Agra,vecteezy.com

 Exterior,tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah,Agra,UP

Above image:  The English archaeologist, Edmund William Smith from the Archaeological Survey of India on a sunny afternoon of 1893 went to the site of tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah,Agra,. Stunned by the artistic look of the tomb and surrounding lush greenish garden  he noticed inside ......''the tombs are not in the center of the chamber. The floor around them is of marble mosaic…The ground is of white marble, and starting diagonally from the four corners of the floor and surrounding the tombs in irregular twists is a leaf scroll in marble of an old gold colour known in Northern India as khattu''. ''Looking at the pristine marble tomb in Agra and pinches himself in awe. “Can it be true?”, he wonders…” that the Baby Taj actually exists!” ......

The extensive use of rare and semi precious stones of all hues and shades are used for this inlay mosaic work such as agate, carnelian, garnet, jade, jasper, lapis lazuli, opal, onyx and turquoise used in combination with black, white and yellow marble. The central hall, the corner chambers and side halls boast of exceptional wall and stucco paintings depicting guldaste, wine vases, cypress and other Persian motifs. Embroidery designs are often used as the incised stucco on the ceilings and animal motifs can be seen frequently. ''The designs in the central chamber seem to be moving and human figures are unexpectedly depicted in a scheme of painted panels. Inscriptions on white marble panels can be seen on the frieze, above the arches and the octagonal towers''...... The English archaeologist, Edmund William Smith from the Archaeological Survey of India stares at a pristine marble tomb in Agra and pinches himself in awe. “Can it be true?”, he wonders…” that the Baby Taj actually exists!”

The Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah, often known as the “Baby Taj,” is a landmark of Mughal architecture that prefigures the grandeur of the Taj Mahal. This exquisite mausoleum is set on a red sandstone platform, which is adorned with bands of highly stylized floral patterns and intricate creepers. The main gateway impresses with its striking combination of red sandstone and white marble inlay work, where geometric designs and depictions of wine vases create a mesmerizing contrast.

Interior Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah,Agra,UP.ribapix.com 

Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah,Agra,UP istockphoto.com 

Inside, the mausoleum is a treasure trove of mosaic and inlay artistry. The white marble interiors are lavishly decorated with graceful, convoluted stucco designs and finely executed inlay work, incorporating a palette of rare and semi-precious stones such as agate, carnelian, garnet, lapis lazuli, jasper, opal, onyx, and turquoise. The skillful application of these materials produces vivid patterns and delicate inscriptions that embellish the friezes, arches, and octagonal towers that are quite pleasing to the eyes.

Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah with inlays Agra,maverickbird.com

Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah,Agra, interior, 

The use of dados, fully developed as a distinct feature of Mughal embellishment, further enhances the aesthetic appeal of the entrance arches. In the central hall, as well as in the corner and side chambers, elaborate wall paintings and stucco motifs depict Persian elements like guldaste, cypress, and wine vases, offering a glimpse into the artistic fervor of the era. This harmonious blend of design elements continues to captivate admirers and scholars alike. Every carved detail and vibrant inlay echo the rich heritage of Mughal artistry.

Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah,Agra, maverickbird.com

On the left bank of the Yamuna River, Agra between the wife of  Mogul king Jahangir, Begum Noor Jahan had it built between1622 to 1628.   Itmad Ud-Daulah  was the first tomb made entirely of marble stones commissioned by the wife of Jahangir, Begum Noor Jahan.


